Thursday, March 5, 2020

The 8 Key Changes to the SAT

The 8 Key Changes to the SAT The 8 Key Changes to the SAT In spring 2016, the College Board will introduce a completely redesigned SAT, which will focus on the knowledge and skills that students need for college and career readiness. Here are the eight major changes your students can expect to see on the new SAT: Relevant words in context Obscure vocabulary memorization will soon be a thing of the past. Although vocabulary is still an important part of the SAT, the redesigned SAT will focus on relevant vocabulary in contextwords that students will use throughout college and their careers. Command of evidence In the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Essay sections, students will be asked to demonstrate their ability to interpret, synthesize and use evidence found in many different sources. Essay analyzing a source The optional Essay section will have students read a passage and explain how the author builds a persuasive argument. Students may analyze areas such as the authors use of evidence, reasoning and stylistic elements. Focus on math that matters most The Math section will focus on three essential types of math: problem solving and data analysis, the heart of algebra, and passport to advanced math.These areas of math are used in a wide range of majors and careers. Problems grounded in real-world contexts The Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math sections will require students to answer questions that are grounded in real-world issues directly related to college and career contexts. Analysis in science and in history/social studies The redesigned SAT will have students apply their reading, writing, language and math skills to answer questions in science, history and social studies, both in the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section and the Math section. Founding documents and great global conversation Students will encounter a passage from one of the U.S. founding documents (such as the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers) and must answer thought-provoking questions about such passages. No penalty for wrong answers The redesigned SAT will move to a rights-only scoring system, removing any penalty for wrong answers. Learn more about the specific changes to the SAT at Questions? Huntington can help. We are in the forefront in preparing for the SAT and can help you and your student stay informed. Students can take the ACT as an alternative to the SAT during this period of transition. The ACT is accepted by all 4 year colleges and universities in the United States. More than 1.84 million 2014 graduatesa record 57percent of the national graduating classtook the ACT. Learn more about Huntingtons test prep services at

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